Elliott Farren is an inactive member of the California Bar and was admitted 29th November 2011. Elliott graduated from New York University SOL.

Lawyer Information

NameElliott Farren
First Admitted29 November 2011 (13 years, 2 months ago)
Bar Number277994


Law SchoolNew York University SOL (New York NY)
Undergraduate SchoolReed Coll (Portland OR)


Current AddressHershner Hunter, 675 Oak Street, Suite 400
Eugene, OR 97401
Previous AddressLane County Legal Aid & Advocacy Center
376 E. 11th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401
Previous AddressLane County Legal Aid
376 E 11th Ave
Eugene, OR 97401-3246
Previous AddressOregon Law Center, 101 E Broadway Ste 200
Eugene, OR 97401-3114


3 May 2016Inactive (8 years, 8 months ago)
29 November 2011Admitted to the State Bar of California (13 years, 2 months ago)