Camille Lara Rustia is an active member of the California Bar and was admitted 23rd November 2011. Camille graduated from Loyola Law School.

Lawyer Information

NameCamille Lara Rustia
Admitted to Bar23 November 2011 (13 years, 2 months ago)
Bar Number277967


Phone Number(424) 296-0233


Law SchoolLoyola Law School (Los Angeles CA)
Undergraduate SchoolEmory University (Atlanta GA)


Current AddressApple, 8501 Steller Dr, Stop 3210
Culver City, CA 90232-2426
Previous AddressNetflix
335 N Maple Dr
Ste 353
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Previous AddressNetflix
335 N Maple Dr
Ste 353
Beverly Hills, CA 90210-5174
Previous AddressApple, 8500 Higuera St
Culver City, CA 90232-2522