Christiana Michelle Kiefer is an inactive member of the California Bar and was admitted 20th July 2011. Christiana graduated from Oak Brook COL & Gov't Policy.

Lawyer Information

NameChristiana Michelle Kiefer
Former NameChristiana Michelle Holcomb
First Admitted20 July 2011 (13 years, 6 months ago)
Bar Number277427


Phone Number202-393-8690
Fax Number202-347-3622


Law SchoolOak Brook COL & Gov't Policy (Fresno CA)


Current Address405 Fannon St # Byca # 403-1
Alexandria, VA 22301-1010
Previous AddressAlliance Defending Freedom
440 1st St NW Ste 600
Washington, DC 20001
Previous AddressAlliance Defending Freedom, 440 1st St NW Ste 600
Washington, DC 20001
Previous AddressAlliance Defending Freedom, 440 1st St NW Ste 600
Washington, DC 20001-2076


30 November 2024Inactive (1 month, 2 weeks ago)
20 July 2011Admitted to the State Bar of California (13 years, 6 months ago)