Virginia Bancroft Abbott is an active member of the California Bar and was admitted 1st July 2011. Virginia graduated from UC Hastings COL.

Lawyer Information

NameVirginia Bancroft Abbott
First Admitted1 July 2011 (13 years, 7 months ago)
Bar Number277339


Current Email[email protected]
Phone Number650-587-3934


Law SchoolUC Hastings COL (San Francisco CA)
Undergraduate SchoolBrown University (Providence RI)


Current AddressImmigration Institute of the Bay Area, 600 Allerton St Ste 101
Redwood City, CA 94063-1570
Previous Address3243 Washington St
San Francisco, CA 94115
Previous Address3243 Washington St
San Francisco, CA 94115-1621
Previous Address74 Midcrest Way
San Francisco, CA 94131-1238


1 January 2016Active (9 years ago)
17 December 2014Inactive (10 years, 1 month ago)
1 July 2011Admitted to the State Bar of California (13 years, 7 months ago)