Rebecca Day Orban is an inactive member of the California Bar and was admitted 1st December 2004. Rebecca graduated from University of Michigan Law School.

Lawyer Information

NameRebecca Day Orban
First Admitted1 December 2004 (19 years, 10 months ago)
Bar Number233209
SectionsReal Property Law


Law SchoolUniversity of Michigan Law School (Ann Arbor MI)
Undergraduate SchoolUniversity of California Davis (Davis CA)


Previous AddressOffice of Regulations (CG-0943)
US Coast Guard Stop 7213
2703 MLK Jr Ave SE
Washington, DC 20593
Previous AddressOffice of Regulations (CG-0943), US Coast Guard Stop 7213, 2703 MLK Jr Ave SE
Washington, DC 20593


21 January 2019Inactive (5 years, 8 months ago)
1 December 2004Admitted to the State Bar of California (19 years, 10 months ago)